Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gatlinburg Cabins

My apologies...I have my reasons!

Playing off of Angela a bit...

Gatlinburg Tennessee is at its finest during the month of October. I do not have the words to properly describe fall foliage, but man, it is awesome! There is something special about football, cool brisk air and beautiful mountain views. I know most people reading this is family and has the oppurtunity to visit with Jess and I, but everyone needs to make a stop in Gatlinburg during every October (At least make the short drive to North Georgia).

Working for a cabin rental company can be very bitter sweet during October. The second busiest month is not a good month to travel. So, the best time to visit for anyone, is actually the worst time to visit. I do not like making day trips (I do this for pictures and such..), but I don't mind as much during October. It is very refreshing driving though the mountains with about a billion other people...HAHA!

Anyway, not that it matters, to view our Gatlinburg Cabins!

Listen, if you are going to comment on this article make sure you are positive and you leave a link to us!

If anyone wants to do the same on their own blog, contact me at 1-800-Amazing (that is what Jess calls me)! It is actually very beneficial to us!


Unknown said...

So, were you thinking of someone doing a little write-up advertisement on their blog? With a link to your site? I would love to do that for you...but I haven't actually used your cabin rental, though I could take your word for it. I actually would have a good opening reason for writing about it seeing as how my last cabin experience was so bad! ha ha! What is your cleaning fee?!

Ann said...

That would be so great! My husband posted that blog (even though he didn't sign it) He is trying to get more links to our website. Advertising purposes. A write up is exactly what he is looking for. It would be a great help.